Real Beverage Solutions Northern Ireland

Training & Development

Barista Training

Why not avail of our fantastic barista courses on offer.

We commence the course by getting to know our clients and establish what you would like to learn during the barista training. We at Real Beverage Solutions customise each session based on our customers’ requirements.

Areas we cover on the course include the origins of coffee, blending and bean selection, equipment selection, machine maintenance, coffee menu and an introduction to latte art.

The barista training course is held at our barista training centre in Portadown. Are training centre is  absolutely perfect for learning all about speciality coffee.

We can also run the barista course in-house anywhere throughout the UK and Ireland.

This course is open to anyone like ourselves who has a passion for quality coffee.

Upon completion of the course you will be presented with a certificate stating that you have successfully completed a barista course with Real Beverage Solutions.

  • Before taking a barista course some points to consider:
  • Do you know how to set up a coffee grinder?
  • Can you program and set up an espresso coffee machine?
  • Can you brew an espresso by following a recipe?
  • Can you tell by the extraction whether the coffee is fresh or not?
  • Can you do latte art?
  • Do you understand extraction times?
  • Can you steam milk perfectly?

Latte art

We can also teach you Latte art. Latte art is one of the most interesting things about coffee.

Latte art can be carried out not only on lattes but on any coffee that contains milk.

On our latte art training course you will learn how to steam milk perfectly.  We will guide you through the process step by step.

Once you have perfected milk steaming, we will teach you how to “free pour” hearts and the Rosetta.

Like barista training latte art can be carried out in house.

At Real Beverage Solutions we believe presentation is key and latte art makes cappuccinos and lattes look all the more tasty.

By serving latte it will leave a good impression on your customers and shows that you are passionate about the coffee that you serve.

Real beverage Solutions Cup

©2024 REAL Beverage Solutions

Unit 2, 48 Ahorey Road, Portadown, BT62 3ST

T +44 (0) 28 3833 8889        M +44 (0)79 2782 3222        E [email protected]
